• February 07, 2025
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    Current FOP Board Members

    • President- Michael Gibbons- 501-771-7149
    • Immediate Past President- Phil Lowry
    • Vice President- Michael Johnson
    • Second Vice President- Shawn Ray
    • Treasurer- Chad Edwards
    • Sergeant at Arms- John Blankenship 
    • Trustee- Julia Redditt
    • Secretary- Shelby Hunter


    Tourch Run
    UnionActive Police Newswire
    Join the Newswire!
    Updated: Feb. 07 (12:00)

    Letter to Legislators
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Online Poll of Active Members
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Latest Issue of the Gendarme
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Labor Committee Meetings
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Wage Reopener Vote Results
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Online Voting Closes Tomorrow
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Action Center
    Important Links
    Grand Lodge
    Arkansas State Lodge
    Officer Down Memorial Page
    • The Lodge is up and running, to reserve the lodge for your event, first check the calendar- then contact Brother Edwards.  

      Tourch Run
      What's New Member Apps Facebook
      Anti-Bullying Rally

      Anti- Bullying Rally! Thanks Bro.Hunter!

      PAL Back to School Event

      FOP Sponsored PAL Back to School Event, thank you for supporting this event!! Just one more way the NLRFOP is supporting the community, special thanks to Brother Hunter and his son! Additional images under the Photo Gallery.

      Thanksgiving to families in need!

       A big Thank You!!! to all the members who helped with delivering Thanksgiving meals to families in need.

      Flood of 2015

      A Big Thank You to those members who helped today and especially to the NLR Street Department who brought a crew and sandbags.

      2015-Legal Defense Booklet

      Here is the link for the 2015 Legal Defense Booklet for your review. http://www.nlrfop5.com/docs/2015__Legal_Defense_Booklet.

      Labor Headlines

      US labour news headlines from LabourStart

      Providence and hospital doctors reach tentative agreement in Oregan's 27 day health care strike
      Providence and nurses at 8 Oregan hospitals reach tentative agreemnt after 2 days of strike
      “No One Else Can Have Access to Care if Domestic Workers Themselves Don’t Have Access to Care.�
      'It’s fascism, OK?' Federal worker union boss reveals why he’s suing agencies Musk took over
      Amazon’s Whole Foods asks agency to set aside the results of a union win at a Philadelphia store

      UnionActive Newswire Headlines

      May Meeting Reminder
      PBA 105 Foundation Golf Tournament
      IBEW & AT&T Reach New National DIRECTV Call Center Agreement
      Membership Update 5-10-19
      In Case You Missed It

      North Little Rock Police Fallen Officer Memorial Section



      Officer Frank Neighbors

      End of Watch: Nov. 22, 1929

      Officer Nabors was struck by a vehicle while on duty,his name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial at: Panel 27-E:5




      Officer Jerrell P. Vaughan

      End of Watch: April 16, 1963

      Officer Vaughan was shot and killed during a traffic stop. He was 32 years old.

      His name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial at: Panel 42-E:5




      Officer Jerry C. Davis

      End of Watch: January 7, 1982

      Officer Davis was shot and killed while investigating a domestic disturbance.

      His name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial at: Panel 16-E: 12




      Officer Ralph E. McMoran (Mac)

      End of Watch: April 23, 2008

      Officer McMoran was participating in a department firing range exercise with an M-16 rifle when he began to feel weak. Officer McMoran was transported to the hospital where he collapsed and died. His name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial at: Panel 4-W: 27

      Sergeant Larry "Buck" Dancy

      End of Watch: November 10, 2020

      Sergeant Buck Dancy died from complications as the result of contracting COVID-19 during a confirmed exposure while on duty. Sergeant Dancy had served with the North Little Rock Police Department for 35 years. He is survived by his daughter, Rebekah. He was a beloved part of our fraternal order. He is and will be missed. The world is a little darker without him here, we were blessed to know him. Sgt. Dancy's name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Memorial at: Panel 6-E:32


      Blog Updates
      Jul 11 Ribbons
      By Chad Edwards
  • FOP Local 5

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